Kiran Rehmatuddin
Aspiration Statement
I aspire to find a career that engages my passion for history, politics, and philosophy while utilizing the data analytics skills that I am currently learning. I seek a job that challenges me intellectually and allows me to continue learning and growing.
Core Skills
- Critical Thinking & Innovation
- Communication Skills
- Content Creation for Social Media
- Problem Solving
- Qualitative Research Skills
- Quantitative Research Skills
- R and Python
- Social Media Management
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Dean's List, Spring 2021
- HU Meritorious Award, 2019
- HU TOPS 100% Scholarship
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- UGRAD Scholar, University of Missouri, Columbia
- UGRAD Pakistan Alumna
- Executive Member, HU Sports Society and Sustainability Club
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Library Aide, Habib University (October 2022 – December 2022)
- Summer Intern, Nearpeer.org (June 2022 – July 2022)
Final Year Project
Project Title
Mothering an Autistic Child in Karachi, Pakistan
Mothering an autistic child is a complex and challenging experience. This exploratory study looks at the lived experiences of mothers of children with ASD in Karachi. The study aims to tackle the lack of awareness and sensitization around autism. Mothers are traditionally the primary caregivers of autistic children. A sense of grief, uncertainty, and a long commitment follows the diagnosis of autism. Mothers navigate this arduous journey with little support. Hermeneutical phenomenology is chosen as the methodology to value mothers as independent knowledge producers. The study uses a social constructivist lens and is informed by feminist and disability theory. Emerging themes from the discussions have been grouped into the following headings: experiences during diagnosis, psychological impacts, blame and insensitivity, full-time mom, and coping with challenges.